Archer Chewning

Archer Chewning, a third grader, was selected at Union Ridge Elementary.  His name came to mind when his teacher thought about students who truly go above and beyond to help in their classroom community.  Archer participates in every Zoom activity and works hard to complete his assignments on time.  He can always be counted on to share his thoughts or tell a joke to liven up the class.  He finishes his schoolwork at the beginning of each day so that he can work on fun projects in class like reading aloud videos of books or creating how-to videos when he’s working on something cool.  Even when he’s done with his work, Archer willingly comes back on Zoom in the afternoon just so he can help classmates who are struggling.  He’s patient and kind and is great at guiding others even in distance learning.  It’s clear he has a heart for empowering others.  It is an honor to watch him continue to grow as a hardworking, compassionate, creative student online with the hope of one day seeing him shine in class in person.  From his teacher, Mrs. Capeloto:  “I’m proud of what you’ve accomplished so far, Archer, and look forward to learning so much more from you this year!”