Interventions and

PBIS DEFINED: PBIS is an approach to supporting students to be successful in schools. PBIS developed from research in the fields of behavior theory and effective instruction. PBIS supports all students through intervention ranging from a school-wide system to a system for developing individualized plans for specific students. School-wide PBIS focuses on the development and implementation of pro-active procedures and practices to prevent problem behavior for all students and improve school climate.

A Three Tiered Approach

As a school community, we are responsible for teaching both academic and social behavior skills. We will teach all of our students how to be safe, responsible members of the community in every setting. We will reinforce these behaviors through a system of positive reinforcement.

Tier One - teaching and reinforcement of expected behaviors will be enough support for 80-90% of our students.

Tier Two - designed for the 5-10% of our students who may need further teaching and individualized supports.

Tier Three - designed for the 1-5% of our students who continue to display behaviors of concern despite Tier two interventions. The Response to Intervention (RTI) team implements support and/or services.

Addressing Problem Behaviors

In order to address problem behaviors, we will change the way we look at behavior. Behavior is not good or bad. We understand repeated problem behaviors serve a purpose for the student. Problem behaviors provide attention or an escape from uncomfortable, difficult, or even boring situations.

Misbehavior is a form of communication. Our job is to use professional judgement to hypothesize the purpose, or function, of behavior and how it meets a need for the student. We then work to find an alternate way to meet that need in a safe and respectful way.

Parents of children with behavior challenges are important in a system of school-wide positive behavior interventions and supports because they already know punishment does not teach skills. Parents already know what individual strategies may work with their own child. Parents are important contributors in developing school-wide PBIS in their child’s school, because parents have a great deal at stake – the lives and futures of their children. By becoming involved, parents can have a vital role in improving school climate, safety, and instructional time. Most important, parents can have a role in helping their child to develop the positive behavior skills that are the foundations for a successful future.

Behavior Management Process

We are committed to preventing inappropriate behavior before it occurs by intentionally teaching and reinforcing expected behaviors.

Tier I – Minor Behaviors: Behaviors handled in the classroom using intervention strategies and teachable moments including a verbal reminder, re-teaching, positive reinforcement (four positive reinforcements for every correction), and redirecting.

Tier II – Minor Behaviors: The students taught AND re-taught the expectation AND has received positive reinforcement to promote the expected behavior however, the student continues to present escalating behavior and is not responding to interventions.

When a teacher determines a student’s behavior requires documentation, the following will take place:

  1. Fill out a Referral form and check the box for Minor Behavior.

  2. Student completes a Reflection sheet (in the classroom or a buddy classroom)

  3. Teacher reviews Reflection sheet with student

  4. Teacher contacts parent/guardian

  5. Teacher turns the completed Referral form into the office at the end of each day.

  6. If a student receives three Referrals for Minor Behaviors in a month-long period, the teacher will follow the procedures for a Major Behavior and the Assistant Principal/Principal will take action.

Tier III – Major Behaviors: The teacher has followed through with Minor Referral forms, reflection sheets, teacher conference and parent contact, yet the student chooses to continue behavior that is not consistent with SUCCESS BOUND and/or the student exhibits Level 3 behavior which requires mandatory office referral.

When a student exhibits a Major Behavior, the following will take place:

  1. Fill out a Referral form and check the box for MajorBehavior.

  2. The referrals are then sent to the office and the Assistant Principal will take action. If the Assistant Principal is not available, the Principal will take action. If the Principal is not available, the counselor will handle the situation until an administrator is available.


GOAL: To create a social-culture in our school that will encourage positive behaviors and interactions, while discouraging problem behaviors. This social-culture will lead to a safe environment where students achieve academically and build positive relationships with each other and with adults. The foundation of the approach emphasizes teaching students the behaviors we expect to see, reminding them to use those behaviors, acknowledging them when they do, and correcting them when they do not.

PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT: Teaching a behavior that schools expect to see works best when there is consistency across home and school settings. When a child exhibits challenging behavior at school, a strong partnership between the school and family is important. Family involvement is a key feature when developing positive behavior support plans for students with special needs. School-wide positive behavioral interventions and support is a school-wide approach to helping all children learn to self-manage behaviors. However, parent involvement is important in all aspects of PBIS. When parents are involved, outcomes for children are better.






In All Areas of the School

Use kind words and actions

Follow adult directions

Offer to help others

Respect individual differences

Level 2 voice

Use respectful, non-biased language that may offend any individual or group

Accept consequences for your actions

Offer to help others

Exhibit calm body language and be aware of your surroundings

Use positive self-talk

Listen patiently when an adult redirects you

Accept help when needed

Before and After School

Follow adult directions

Use kind words

Voice level 2

Stay in assigned areas

Use indoor voices

Keep area clean

Remain on campus once arrived

Report directly to class when the bell rings

Go directly to bus or home after school

Use before/after school time to get academic support

Patiently wait for office personnel to help you when taking care of business there


Use an appropriate voice level
Welcome others

Sit with feet on the floor and body facing the table

Voice level 2

Remain silent and focus on speaker when announcements are being made

Clean up area and follow recycling procedures

Keep all food to self

Food and other materials remain on the table

Stay seated until you are dismissed

Continue cleaning by checking floor and surrounding area

Problem solve disagreements civilly, calmly, and constructively,

Enter the back of the line and wait your turn to get your food

Hallways and Stairs

Use quiet voice

Pass quickly (head straight to your classroom)

Keep the area Clean

Always keep hands, and feet, and objects to self

Voice level 1

Use respectful, non-biased language that may offend individual or group and respect others property

Walk on the right hand side

Allow others to pass

Slowly open doors carefully with hands

Keep moving

Headphones and/or ear buds out of sight

Forgive accidental contact

Be patient with crowds

Report inappropriate of dangerous behavior

Help others who need assistance with materials, movement, or emotional support

Learning Areas

Raise your hand and wait to be called on

Comments and questions should be related to class discussion

Use quiet voices

Wait to be dismissed

Keep hands and feet to self

Track the speaker

Voice level communicated by teacher

Practice SLANT when a teacher or students is presenting

Walk into rooms one at a time

Stay in your seat unless instructed otherwise

Keep all chair legs on the floor

Keep hands and feet to self

Clean up learning area

Follow adult directions

Bring all required supplies to class

Always do your best

Show continuous effort

Practice determination through difficulties

Be an active learner

When unsuccessful, ask for help or try a new strategy

Arrange time outside of class for extra help when needed


Hands, feet, and objects to self -Wait in line until called to the counter

Voices off while waiting and transitioning through the office

Always use kind words

Voice level 2

Let school guests be helped first

Comply with all office staff requests

Always have a hall pass

Leave all materials that belong in the office in the office

When talking to an adult, have a calm body and calm voice

Show privacy towards others being helped in the office by waiting your turn

Computer screens are only to be viewed by office staff


Follow adult directions

Include everyone in games

Share and take turns

Voices off in line

Use polite language and respectful tone of voice

Voice level 4 unless adults tell you otherwise

Use respectful, non-biased language that may offend and individual or group

Accept consequences for your actions

Always walk to and from play area

Use equipment as intended

Keep hands, feet, and objects to self

Be aware of your surroundings

Remain in appropriate play areas

Follow procedures for equipment check-out and use and use as intended

Play games according to posted rules

Win or lose, be a team player

Manage emotions appropriately when disappointed or frustrated

Transition appropriately back to the classroom and focus on learning upon return


Leave the restroom clean (walls, floors, sinks, etc.)

Put trash in the garbage

Quickly return to class

Respect the privacy of others around you

Voice level 1

Report messes or dangerous behavior when seen

Always use a hall pass during class time

Use toilet paper and paper towels as intended

Keep feet on the floor

Keep water in the sink

Flush toilet after use

Wash hands with soap and water

Voices off in the bathroom

Return to class promptly with a pass

Tell an adult if supplies in the bathroom are out, or if the bathroom needs to be cleaned

Special Events and Assemblies

Wait for arrival and dismissal signal

Leave belongings in your classroom

Walk to and from gym quietly

Eyes on performer or speaker

Applaud at appropriate times

Voice level:
Spirit assemblies 4 (except when speaker is speaking)

Performance/speaker assemblies – 0
(with applause for performers as appropriate)


Use only positive, encouraging words when yelling at a spirit assembly

Leave electronics in the classroom

Sit on bottom

Follow adult directions

Walk carefully up and down the bleachers

Walk facing forward with your hands at your side

Use bathroom before or after assembly

Enter and exit bleachers according to taught procedures

Enter and exit quietly

Sit in designated areas

Focus and think about the presentation

Enter and exit one row at a time


Only positive interaction with other students

Care for your device and handle device with care

Be a good digital citizen

Stay on approved sites

Only school related work

Food or drink should be placed far away from all technology

Keep passwords and other personal information to yourself

Be aware that account activity from home is still school-related

Report uncomfortable/inappropriate content

Be creative and persistent in technology issues