On March 12, Ridgefield School District officials recognized the March 2024 Employee and Students of the Month at the regular Board of Directors meeting. Congratulations to all of this month’s honorees!
Employee of the Month Donna Allen, View Ridge Middle SchoolDonna Allen is the epitome of what it means to be a View Ridge Heron. If you ask anyone in our building about Mrs. Allen, they will tell you that she is steadfast, supportive, loving, passionate, and the ultimate teammate. She can have hard conversations in a supportive way and can turn even the toughest day into a bright one. She stepped up in a time of great need to fill a challenging position and has had a tremendous impact on our entire school community. She pours her heart and soul into supporting our families, students, and staff. If you sat outside her office throughout the course of the day, you would see a never-ending stream of kids and staff coming in to get words of encouragement, a snack, to be coached up, to participate in a restorative conversation, or just to have a pep talk around being our best selves. She walks the halls with a beaming smile and never stops being a pillar of consistency. Mrs. Allen’s laughter is infectious and echoes throughout our building. If there is a holiday or something special coming up, Mrs. Allen will leave her words of encouragement in the form of a Bitmoji note with a small treat for each staff member, reminding them just how special they are to our collective View Ridge family.
Whether she’s arriving early in the morning to snag kids for Spud Buddies and picking up coffees for our weekly postcard winners or working late evenings giving tours to new families and putting together homework help groups for students in need, Donna is always putting in the extra efforts that make View Ridge such a special place to work and learn. Donna’s peers often remark how her strong instructional experience paired with her knowledge of how to support kids makes her the perfect fit for our counselor position.
One of Donna’s peers said “people are constantly drawn to Donna when they are in need of support. She is an empathetic listener who is also willing to offer advice, support, self reflection, generate creative ideas, or help problem solve. Her strong work ethic, capacity for compassion, and unwavering desire to help those around her achieve high standards make her excellent at what she does. She is a model and comfort to staff and students alike!”
Mrs. Allen leads with both her heart and her head and View Ridge would not be the same without her. Thank you, Mrs. Allen, for being the amazing person you are!
Emmie Capeloto, Preschool at the Early Learning CenterEmmie is the biggest helper there is. She is always willing to take a friend's hand in line or put something away for a teacher. Her kindness and compassion for others is admirable and it continues to grow the longer she is at the ELC with us. Emmie is an incredible role model to her peers and a ray of sunshine for her teachers. Her teachers say, "Emmie has such a big heart! Selfless, caring, and hardworking are just a few ways to describe what a great student she is. Emmie consistently puts the best interest of others ahead of her own. She’s a friend to all and offers a helping hand to any student or teacher in need. Emmie is a great representation of the Hashbrowns’ three Rs.”
Emmie makes the Early Learning Center a better place because of her love and compassion towards all students and staff and we are excited to see how she changes the world.
Mae Jones, 4th grade at South Ridge Elementary SchoolMae Jones impresses staff every day with her focus in class, her work ethic, her resilience when faced with a tough academic challenge, and her determination to learn and do her best work. Mae conducts herself with poise and resilience no matter where she is on campus. Mae is a student who leads by example with patience, kindness, and a willingness to help others. She routinely sees the good in others and goes out of her way to make staff and students smile. She brings love and laughter to those around her, and her laughter is contagious! Mae is always willing to include others whether it be in group projects, classroom activities, or out at recess. Mae isn't afraid of tough conversations around friendship and tries her best to find solutions.
Brooklyn Caldwell, 4th grade at Union Ridge Elementary School Brooklyn Caldwell embodies the Tater Tot way. She approaches every task with determination and diligence. Known for her resilient and strong work ethic, Brooklyn tackles challenges head-on and never gives up. Beyond her academic achievements, Brooklyn's kindness and compassion shine through daily. Even when tasks are challenging, Brookly puts in the hard work.
Her teacher, Mrs. Kennedy, wrote “Brooklyn is sweet and everyone’s buddy.”
In music class, Brooklyn knows how to be respectful, responsible, and resilient. Ms. Golden shared, “Brooklyn is always on task in music. She is a hard worker who doesn't let mistakes deter her.”
Kai Robinson, 6th grade Sunset Ridge Intermediate School Kai Robinson is a delight to have in class. His positive attitude and willingness to get involved add so much to the culture of our class and Sunset Ridge Intermediate as a whole. He is a great example of a dedicated learner. He completes his assignments with detail and accuracy and then looks for additional opportunities to learn through extensions and projects. He does his best even when things get difficult. He is kind and includes others. Kai’s work ethic, respectful attitude, and leadership make him an excellent choice for Student of the Month.
Cameron Branch, 7th Grade at View Ridge Middle SchoolRespectful, Responsible and Resilient are all characteristics that Cameron Branch exemplifies well, and all of his teachers agree that he is a pleasure to have in class. Mr. Tena shared “Cameron is a very polite student, is always looking out for his peers and following classroom expectations. He does a great job of engaging in learning and doing his best work!”
STEM teacher Mr. Hankins wrote “Cameron consistently demonstrates responsibility by managing his assignments efficiently and with creativity. Additionally, his kindness towards his peers stands out. He consistently contributes a positive vibe to the class, akin to a beam of sunlight, and he’s always eager to greet others with a warm hello and a friendly high five.”
Mrs. Stephens, Cameron’s Washington State History teacher adds, “He works hard, even when the going gets tough. His big heart and dedication to learning are amazing to see every day!”
In Science, Mr. Jequinto noted that “Cam is an inquisitive kid and a hard worker. His presence and joy is shared with everyone around him.
Mrs. Hankins wrote that “Cameron is a wonderful art student! He works hard in class and enjoys being creative. He works well with his peers and always has a positive attitude. Cameron always has a smile to share with everyone and his positive attitude is contagious! ”
Keep up the great work, Cameron!
Natalie Evans, 11th grade at Ridgefield High SchoolThere are few students at Ridgefield High School who are willing to take on and lead any task or project with a smile on their face and a selfless dedication, expecting nothing in return. Natalie Evan is this student and so much more! Throughout Natalie’s time at RHS, it has been abundantly clear that she possesses a unique blend of qualities that make her stand out. As a dedicated student enrolled in three AP classes, Natalie consistently demonstrates responsibility, hard work and determination. Additionally, Natalie displays exemplary leadership skills in National Honor Society and DECA and a strong sense of school spirit and passion in ASB.
Equally impressive is Natalie’s baseball resume. Yes, you read that right, baseball! As the first female at Ridgefield High School to play on the school’s baseball team, she is breaking barriers and forging a path for those behind her. Natalie coaches for the Baseball for All program and has played with the 23U Team USA female baseball team. Baseball has taken Natalie all over the world, but her passion is in coaching and mentoring young women to build the sport in their community. Natalie’s ability to persevere and thrive in the face of adversity is due to the unwavering support and consistency provided by her mom, who she describes as her biggest role model.
Natalie exudes a genuine passion for life that is truly infectious. Whether it be in the classroom, on the playing field, or in her interactions with others, Natalie approaches every endeavor with enthusiasm and energy. She is driven by the desire to leave Ridgefield High School better than she found it. This passion not only drives Natalie to excel, but also serves as an inspiration to her peers.
After high school, Natalie hopes to pursue a degree in sports management with the ultimate goal of working for a Major League Baseball team. Natalie is an exceptional student and her impact on our school community has been significant and is sure to be long lasting. Thank you, Natalie, for all you bring to Ridgefield High School. We are so lucky you are a Spudder!
Aileen Castillo, 12th grade at Wisdom Ridge AcademyAileen Castillo is the poster child for why Wisdom Ridge Academy exists. Aileen had 12.5 credits after completing her junior year of high school. An incoming senior should have 18 credits to be on track to graduate with her cohort classmates. Through a commitment of completing summer school courses, doing credit recovery during the school year, taking and passing the Spanish language competency exam, and enrolling in the CAPS program at RHS, we are very proud to tell the entire world that Aileen is now on track to graduate and will be walking across the stage to get her diploma on June 7, 2024! In essence, Aileen completed two years of school in one summer and one school year.
Aileen's dedication and positive contributions, both academically and through her kindness, make her a standout student. It's particularly commendable that she balances her responsibilities at home, assisting with six younger siblings while remaining focused on her goals. Aileen's ability to embody the values of Wisdom Ridge Academy and the Ridgefield CAPS Program is truly inspiring.
In addition to balancing a more-than-full-course load, Aileen has found time to learn piano, and now plays and sings at her church. She also volunteers her time every Tuesday and Thursday to help out at South Ridge Elementary School, and she hopes to go into elementary education or the medical field after high school. Eileen lists graduating on time and completing her required courses as her greatest accomplishment to date. We are proud of Aileen, who represents other students at WRA who are thriving despite a challenging past, and we are honored to present her as our March Student of the Month.