
Occasionally, circumstances at school require parents to pick up their students in a formalized, controlled release.  This process is called a reunification, and it may be necessary due to weather events, a power outage, hazmat situation or a crisis.  The Standard Reunification Method (SRM) is a protocol that Ridgefield School District is implementing to make this process more predictable and less chaotic for all involved.


Because a controlled release is not a typical end to the school day, a reunification may occur at a different location than the school a student attends.  If this location is another school, then those students may be subject to a controlled release as well.\r\n



SRM was developed by the “I Love U Guys” Foundation, which is committed to school and community safety and family unification following a crisis.  Founded in 2006, its programs have been implemented by over 30,000 schools, agencies and organizations across the United States and Canada.


The Standard Reunification document provides information about how SRM will work should a situation arise in school.  It covers how parents will be notified, what to expect at the reunification site, the use of the SRM Reunification Card in the student pickup process, what happens if parents are unable to pick up students, and expectations for students who drive to school.   \r\n


Click on the following links to view information on the Standard Reunification Method and the SRM Reunification Card.\r\n


This information can also be found on the district website under Emergency + Safety.  Click on What to Do In An Emergency, then look for SRP Info near the bottom of the page and click on the appropriate link. \r\n


If you have any questions regarding the district’s reunification process, please contact your school principal.\r\n
