On March 14, 2019, the Office of the Washington State Auditor released its Financial Statements Audit Report and Federal Single Audit Report (for Special Education) for the Ridgefield School District for the period September 1, 2017 through August 31, 2018.


The 2017-18 school year marked significant changes for the district.  It experienced record-breaking student enrollment and continues to deal with rapid growth.  Additionally, the district took over management of the Special Education Program from Educational Service District 112 who managed the program in prior years.   \r\n


The audit reports that the district continues to produce accurate and reliable financial information for the public and notes no concerns with compliance or internal controls over Special Education program management.\r\n


“We work diligently to ensure the information we disseminate to our public is accurate. We are also grateful for the continued support from our citizens and public in providing the District with the resources it needs to continue to offer unlimited possibilities for our students and families,” said Paula McCoy, the district’s Executive Director of Business Services.  \r\n


\r\n Click here to view the complete 2017-18 Financial Audit Report or visit the Finance page of the district’s website at www.ridgefieldsd.org.