Julianne Hess, Max Kunetz and Bridget McCallie earn Northwest honor choir spots http://tinyurl.com/jpabbfx #PursuingPremier

Hey Spud Fans; here is the 2016-17 Winter schedule.

Where we learn matters! Visit the 2017 Bond Program page on our website to learn more about the bond.

RHS student receives unique award. Read more: http://tinyurl.com/hw9scts #PursuingPremier

Ridgefield schools honor veterans for their service. See how we celebrated them. http://tinyurl.com/hra9m8u #PursuingPremier

Great collaboration with @LSWArchitects at our integrated design workshop for the 5-8 schools complex. #PursuingPremier

RSD extends a heartfelt thank you to all who served, protecting and preserving our great nation. #VeteransDay

Dance-a-Thon Sets a Record for Union Ridge Elementary http://tinyurl.com/jhuxf46 #PursuingPremier

Congratulations to November Students and Employee of the Month http://tinyurl.com/hgkunhw #PursuingPremier

RSD School Board passes resolution, placing 2017 Bond Program on Feb ballot. http://tinyurl.com/qbuw47d

Congratulations Silas Griffith on winning the State 2A Cross Country Championship. #GoSpuds

Mailed your ballot yet? Tuesday is Election Day. Be Heard. http://tinyurl.com/hac6626

Ridgefield school students weigh in on how they would design new school buildings. Read more: http://tinyurl.com/jeevkdc #PursuingPremier

Parent Night Tues Nov 8, 7pm, RHS Gym. Learn about the district's safety protocol to respond to active threat situations #PursuingPremier

Ridgefield streets made safer for students and community. Read article from The Columbian: http://tinyurl.com/zzuh5r8 #PursuingPremier

Districts Competition: Volleyball at Woodland HS 11/3 6:00. Soccer at Tumwater Stadium 11/3 5:00 Go Spuds!

Want to work in Ridgefield Schools? Classified Subs needed! For info: http://tinyurl.com/hfmaov4 #PursuingPremier

Closet Share Winter Event this week - Nov 4 and 5. Quarterly clothing giveaway and exchange. #PursuingPremier